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About Kenya

The area of today's Kenya is one of the oldest known settlement areas on earth. The skeletal remains of the first early human, Homo erectus, have been found in Kenya. The country covers an area of 582,646 km². Kenya borders South Sudan and Ethiopia to the north, Somalia to the northeast, Tanzania to the south, the Indian Ocean to the southeast, Lake Victoria to the southwest and Uganda to the west.


The highest mountain peak, with a height of 5,199 m, is Mount Kenya in Kirinyaga County. Around 47.5 million people live in Kenya, around a quarter of them in cities. Nairobi is the largest city and also the capital of the country. The official languages are Swahili and English.


Kenya gained independence as part of the British Commonwealth in December 1963 and has been a republic since 1964 and a member of the United Nations (UN) since 1963. Kenya is the most productive economic country in East Africa, nevertheless approx. 11 million people (approx. 23%) live below the poverty line (1.72 €/day).


The currency is the Kenya Shilling (KES) and the GDP is €86.8 billion. The corruption index is 30 (very bad) and the unemployment rate is 5.7%.  In comparison, Austria's GDP is €379.32 billion, the corruption index is 74 (good) and the unemployment rate is 5.4%. The data must always be viewed with the current corruption index in mind.


The climate in Kenya is mainly determined by its proximity to the equator. In the lower-lying areas (coastal plain, Victoria Depression), the climate is hot and humid with a constant average temperature of 26°C. In the higher areas, the average temperature is around 17°C. The rainy seasons last from October to December and from April to June.


The animal world of Kenya is very species-rich, you will find lions, zebras, cheetahs, wildebeests, antelopes, gazelles, giraffes, buffaloes, rhinos, baboons and elephants.


Klein-Arendt R, (2007) Kenya. The foreign policy of the states of Africa. glasses | Schoeningh. 174-184. Doi:

country encyclopedia; Kenya. (04/10/2022)

Austrian Chamber of Commerce-the Kenyan economy (04/10/2022) 20and%20S%C3%BCdafrica%20with%20one,0%2C59%29.%20It%20%20%20still%20live%20approx.%2011%20million?msclkid=a993c92bb1de11ec83732d559cb7eabe

Country data and statistics - Kenya (04/10/2022)

Country data and statistics - Austria (04/10/2022)

Country data and statistics - member states of the UN United Nations (04/10/2022)

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