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Verein Milele

About Milele

The organization was formed in 2022 on the initiative of chairwoman Lisa. She has seen a lot on her travels to Kenya. She has collected many great memories and experienced exciting adventures . But she also saw a lot of suffering and, above all through her work, realized that not all hospitals are the same. The difference to European or Austrian hospitals could not be bigger. To change that, Lisa brought in reinforcements and that's how the association came into being. The board is made up of six well-educated, socially committed, powerful women who love to travel. Each of them is an enrichment for the work in the association with their profession.


With her degree in nonprofit, social and health management, chairwoman Lisa Habel has an insight into the structure of nonprofit associations of a hospital.


Her deputy Annalena Praxmarer, as an educational scientist and prospective psychologist, has the necessary know-how in dealing with people. The cashier Birgit Schmidt brings the young team back to earth with her experience and keeps an eye on the finances thanks to her accountant training. She gets support from the biologist Magdalena Habel. The documents are written by the prospective social worker Lisa Stöckl. Lawyer Alina Costa is at her side to help.



We want to expand access to professional and affordable medical help in Kenya. For us, this includes paying the staff fairly and reducing poverty. We can create jobs in different sectors and counteract the rising number of the unemployed population, especially around the area where the hospital will be established.

Our ultimate goal is to help people to help themselves.

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Milele is Swahili for 'forever' and that's exactly what we want... we want to create something, something that will last - forever. First we set ourselves the goal of building a hospital.


In order to be able to carry out the project long-term and self-sustaining, we are planning a small farm and the rental of apartments on the site.

It is important for us to mention that we only provide the financial resources for the entire project. From a legal point of view, it is not possible for us to acquire anything ourselves in Kenya, which is why we have set up the CBO “Milele - Kenya Foundation”. This is managed by our trusted person, the doctor Simiyu. The CBO will handle all legal transactions in Kenya. 


It's a long way, but as our motto goes "Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step!" we want to start our journey together.

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Chairwoman – Lisa Habel, MA

I had the idea for the organization. Through my stays in Kenya, I know the country and its people very well. I now have two godchildren in Kenya, one of which is even named after me.


I studied non-profit, social and health management and am therefore not only passionate about it, but also contribute my specialist knowledge .


In my free time, I like to be out in nature with my friends or to read a book. But what I love most is traveling and getting to know new countries and cultures.

Photo: Stephanie Hein

Chairwoman deputy – Annalena Praxmarer, BA 

Hello, I'm Annalena and I come from the beautiful Tyrolean "Oberland". I've known Lisa since she was a young girl at school, so over the years I've been able to see her growing passion for the country of Kenya .


When she told me about her idea for the association "Milele - Future for Kenya", she immediately grabbed me with her passion and I am happy to be a part of it now.


In my free time, I like to be out in the mountains, whether in summer or winter. But traveling, especially to distant destinations, is one of my great passions.


Photo: Stephanie Hein

Cashier – Birgit Schmidt

My name is Birgit Schmidt, I am married and have 2 daughters (1 by marriage, 1 of my own). I live in Fulpmes and came to the organization on the initiative of my godchild Lisa Habel.


Since I love my job (accounting/payroll accounting/office work) very much, I am happy to contribute my knowledge to the organization as a cashier .


Because of my love of travel, I have seen quite a bit of the world and feel that we should share our abundance with the vulnerable.

Photo: Stephanie Hein

Deputy Cashier – Magdalena Habel, BSc

I joined "Milele - Future for Kenya" because the chairwoman is my cousin. I've been on the board of another organization for a few years and can bring the experience I've gained here to my new job.


I am looking forward to the exciting and challenging task that I have been given at the organization.


I studied microbiology and I hope one day to be able to contribute my know-how here as well. My hobbies include playing music in a band, traveling and baking.


Photo: Stephanie Hein

Secretary – Lisa Stöckl

Two years ago I wanted to travel to Kenya to do volunteer work there.


Lisa supported me with the planning and reported on her experiences of Africa and volunteer work. Unfortunately, due to the corona pandemic, I was not able to fly to Kenya, so I was all the happier when I heard about Lisa's idea of founding the organization. I was hooked right away and would be very happy about a trip to Kenya.


In addition to my voluntary work in the refugee and asylum sector, I like to go swimming in my free time or travel with friends. The best way for me to relax is with a good book, baking cakes, embroidering or painting watercolors.

Photo: Stephanie Hein

Deputy Secretary – Mag. Alina Costa

My name is Alina and I live with my husband and my two cats at the entrance to the Ötztal.


When Lisa asked me if I would like to be part of the "Milele - future for Kenya" organization, I felt very honored. I was immediately enthusiastic about the idea and am more than willing to put diligence and work into this project to help people.


Photo: Stephanie Hein

Auditor – Brigitte Egger
Auditor – Marie-Theres Gasteiger, LL.B

In order to comply with the organizations regulations, 2 cash auditors must not be missing. These control the intended use of all income and then apply for the discharge of the board.

Photo: Stephanie Hein

Unser Arzt

Our doctor

Laso Redick Simiyu

My name is Laso Redick Simiyu and I live in the western part of Kenya. I am married to Grace Wanjiku and God has blessed us with our daughters named Lisa (named after Lisa Habel) and Liah


I am a Kenya Licensed Clinical Officer and founder of the organization "Milele - Kenya Foundation" in collaboration with Lisa Habel. Before getting a job in Trans-Nzoia County in 2020, I worked in Baricho in 2019. This is where I first met Lisa and as a colleague working at the same hospital she became a good friend of mine.


Lisa was so touched by the way people live here that she came up with the idea of starting her organization. I took her around the village where she saw that people are really suffering because they have to travel so far away to seek medical care. Children cannot go to school because nobody pays for their education.



"Milele - Future for Kenya"

§ 1: Name, registered office and area of activity

(1)  The organization bears the name "Milele - future for Kenya".

(2)  It is based in 6408 Pettnau, Auweg 10 and extends its activities to humanitarian aid.

(3)  The establishment of branch associations is not intended.

§ 2: Purpose

The non-profit organization aims to provide humanitarian and financial aid to needy people in Kenya.

§ 3: Means to achieve the purpose of the organization

(1)  The purpose of the organization is to be achieved through the idealistic and material means listed in paragraphs 2 and 3.

(2) The intended activities for the realization of the purpose of the association are 

a) the financing of the construction of a hospital in Kenya for necessary medical care. Through the care and treatment of patients in Kenya by local people, development aid is also provided indirectly through the creation of local jobs and the use of local infrastructure. 

b) Financing the construction of an orphanage in the immediate locality of the hospital. Through the care of the children by local people, development aid is also provided indirectly through the creation of local jobs and the use of local infrastructure. 

c) Financing the construction of a school with boarding facilities for children with disabilities. Through the care of the children by local people, development aid is also provided indirectly through the creation of local jobs and the use of local infrastructure. 

d) Financing the construction of a small farm, including fields for the self-sufficiency of the orphanage and the school. 

e) Financing the purchase of motorcycles and cars for faster and better care of the hospital's patients. 

f) the development of further aid projects. 

g) Providing information to potential donors through media and online appearances. 

(3) The necessary material means should be raised by

a)  membership fees

b)  donation funds

c)  Income from club events

d)  sponsorships

e)  Volunteer work/projects

f)  Various courses (climbing, skiing, etc.)

G)  holiday care

H)  theatrical performances

i)  concerts

j)  market stalls

k)  lectures and readings

l)  information events

(4)  An accumulation of financial assets is not intended. Due to the responsibility for the hospital, the orphanage and the school, however, forward-looking financial management is essential and funds in the amount of the expected annual operating costs of the facilities should be available in the association's account.

(5)  The association is entitled to use vicarious agents in accordance with Section 40 (1) of the Federal Fiscal Code.

(6)  The association is entitled to pass on funds to other organizations in compliance with the provisions of Section 40a Z1 of the Federal Fiscal Code.

§ 4: Types of Membership

(1)  The members of the organization are divided into ordinary, extraordinary and honorary members. All members work exclusively on a voluntary basis. There is no provision for financial compensation for activities.

(2)  Ordinary members are those who participate fully in the organization's work. Extraordinary members are those who promote the activities of the organization primarily by paying a membership fee set for them. Honorary members are persons who are appointed for special services to the organization.

§ 5: Acquisition of membership

(1)  All natural persons who have reached the age of 16 (extraordinary members), as well as legal persons and partnerships with legal capacity can become members of the organization.

(2)  The Executive Board decides on the admission of full and extraordinary members. The recording can be refused without giving reasons.

(3)  Until the organization is formed, the provisional admission of full and extraordinary members is carried out by the organization's founders, in the case of an already appointed board of directors by the latter. This membership only becomes effective when the association is formed. If a board of directors is only appointed after the organization has been formed, the (definitive) admission of full and extraordinary members will also take place by then by the founders of the organization.

(4)  Honorary members are appointed by the General Assembly at the request of the Executive Board.

§ 6: Termination of Membership

(1)  Ordinary membership expires through death, in the case of legal persons and partnerships with legal capacity through the loss of legal personality, through voluntary resignation and through exclusion. Extraordinary membership expires through voluntary resignation or expulsion by the board.

(2)  You can only leave by December 31st every year. It must be communicated to the Executive Board in writing at least 1 month in advance. If notification is delayed, it will only take effect on the next departure date. The date of posting is decisive for the timeliness.

(3)  The Executive Board can exclude a member if, despite two written reminders setting a reasonable grace period, the member is more than six months in arrears with the payment of membership fees. The obligation to pay the membership fees that have become due remains unaffected.

(4)  The executive board can also exclude a full and extraordinary member from the organization because of gross violation of other membership duties and because of dishonorable conduct.

(5)  The withdrawal of honorary membership can be decided by the general assembly for the reasons stated in paragraph 4 at the request of the executive board.

§ 7: Rights and duties of the members

(1)  The members are entitled to take part in all events of the organization and to claim the facilities of the organization. Only ordinary members and honorary members are entitled to vote in the General Assembly, as well as active and passive voting rights.

(2)  Each member is entitled to demand that the board hand over the articles of incorporation.

(3)  At least one tenth of the members can ask the board to convene a general assembly.

(4)  The members are to be informed by the board of directors about the activities and financial management of the organization at each general assembly. If at least one tenth of the members request this, stating the reasons, the Executive Board must also provide the members concerned with such information within four weeks.

(5)  The members are to be informed by the Executive Board about the audited financial statements (accounting). If this happens in the General Assembly, the auditors must be involved.

(6)  The members are obliged to promote the interests of the organization to the best of their ability and to refrain from doing anything that could damage the reputation and purpose of the organization. They have to observe the organization's statutes and the resolutions of the organization's bodies. Ordinary and extraordinary members are obliged to pay the admission fee and the membership fees in the amount decided by the general assembly on time.

§ 8: Organizations organs

The organs of the organization are the general assembly (§§ 9 and 10), the board (§§ 11 to 13), the auditors (§ 14) and the arbitration board (§ 15).

§ 9: General Assembly

(1)  The general assembly is the "members' assembly" within the meaning of the Associations Act 2002. An ordinary general assembly takes place every year.

(2)  An Extraordinary General Assembly will be held at

a)  Resolution of the Board of Directors or the ordinary General Assembly,

b)  written request from at least one tenth of the members,

c)  Request of the auditors (§ 21 Para. 5 first sentence VereinsG),

d)  Resolution of the auditors (§ 21 Para. 5 second sentence VereinsG,

§ 11 paragraph 2 third sentence of these statutes),

e)  Decision of a court-appointed curator (§ 11 Para. 2 last sentence of this

statutes) within four weeks.

(3)  All members are to be invited in writing by e-mail (to the e-mail address provided by the member to the organization) at least two weeks before the date of both the ordinary and the extraordinary general assemblies. The General Assembly must be called, stating the agenda. The convocation is made by the Board of Directors (paragraph 1 and para. 2 lit. a - c), by the auditors (paragraph 2 lit. d) or by a court-appointed curator (paragraph 2 letter e).

(4)  Applications for the General Assembly must be submitted in writing by email to the Executive Board at least three days before the date of the General Assembly.

(5)  Valid resolutions – with the exception of those relating to a request to convene an extraordinary general assembly – can only be passed on the agenda.

(6)  All members are entitled to participate in the General Assembly. Only full and honorary members are entitled to vote. Each member has one vote. The transfer of voting rights to another member by means of a written authorization is permitted.

(7) The General Assembly has a quorum regardless of the number of those present.

(8th)  The elections and the resolutions in the General Assembly are usually carried out with a simple majority of the valid votes cast. However, resolutions to change the association's statutes or to dissolve the organization require a qualified majority of two-thirds of the valid votes cast.

(9)  The Chairperson chairs the General Assembly, and if she is unable to do so, her deputy chairperson. If this is also prevented, the oldest member of the Executive Board present in years shall preside.

(10) The General Assembly may be held virtually or in person.

§ 10: Tasks of the General Assembly

The following tasks are reserved for the General Assembly:

a)  resolution on the estimate;

b)  Receipt and approval of the statement of accounts and the

Closing accounts with the involvement of the auditors;

c)  Election and dismissal of the members of the board of directors and the auditors


d)  Approval of legal transactions between auditors and association;

e)  Discharge of the Management Board;

f)  Determination of the amount of the entry fee and the membership fees for ordinary and for

associate members;

G)  Granting and revoking honorary membership;

H)  Resolution on changes to the statutes and the voluntary dissolution of the association;

i)  Advice and decision-making on other issues on the agenda.

§ 11: Board of Directors

(1)  The board consists of six members, consisting of the chairman and deputy, the secretary and deputy, and the cashier and deputy.

(2)  The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly. If an elected member resigns, the Executive Board has the right to co-opt another eligible member in his place, for which subsequent approval must be obtained at the next General Assembly. If the board of directors is absent at all or for an unforeseeably long time without self-supplement through co-opting, each auditor is obliged to immediately convene an extraordinary general assembly for the purpose of electing a new board of directors. If the auditors are also unable to act, every full member who recognizes the emergency situation must immediately apply to the competent court for the appointment of a curator, who must immediately convene an extraordinary general assembly.

(3)  The term of office of the Management Board is 4 years; Re-election is possible. Every function on the Board of Directors must be exercised personally.

(4)  The Board of Directors is convened in writing or verbally by the chairwoman or, if she is unable to do so, by her deputy. If this is also prevented for an unforeseeable length of time, any other member of the Executive Board may convene the Executive Board.

(5)  The board has a quorum when all of its members have been invited and at least half of them are present.

(6)  The Executive Board takes its decisions with a simple majority of votes; in the event of a tie, the chairperson has the casting vote.

(7)  The chairman shall chair the meeting, or her deputy if she is unable to do so. If this is also prevented, the chairmanship is incumbent on the oldest member of the board present or that member of the board who is determined by a majority of the other board members.

(8th)  Apart from death and expiry of the term of office (paragraph 3), the function of a board member expires through dismissal (paragraph 9) and resignation (paragraph 10).

(9)  The General Assembly can dismiss the entire Board or individual members at any time. The dismissal comes into effect with the appointment of the new board or board member.

(10)  The board members can declare their resignation in writing at any time. The declaration of resignation is to be addressed to the board of directors, in the case of the resignation of the entire board of directors to the general assembly. The resignation only becomes effective when a successor is elected or co-opted (paragraph 2).

§ 12: Tasks of the board

The Board of Directors is responsible for the management of the organization. It is the "management body" within the meaning of the Associations Act 2002. It is responsible for all tasks that are not assigned to another body of the association by the statutes. The following matters in particular fall within his sphere of activity:

(1)  Setting up an accounting system that meets the requirements of the organization with ongoing recording of income/expenditure and keeping a list of assets as a minimum requirement;

(2)  Preparation of the annual budget, the statement of accounts and the financial statements;

(3)  Preparation and convening of the general meeting in the cases of § 9 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 lit. a - c of these statutes;

(4)  Informing the members of the association about the organization's activities, the association's business and the audited financial statements;

(5)  management of the organization's assets;

(6)  Admission and exclusion of ordinary and extraordinary members of the organization;

(7)  Admission and dismissal of employees of the organization.

§ 13: Special obligations of individual board members

(1)  The chairwoman manages the day-to-day business of the organization. The secretary supports the chairman in the management of the organization's business.

(2)  The chairwoman represents the organization externally. Written copies of the organization require the signatures of the chairman and the cashier to be valid, also in financial matters (dispositions of assets). Legal transactions between board members and the organization require the approval of another board member.​

(3)  Legal authorizations to represent the association externally or to sign for it can only be granted by the board members named in paragraph 2.

(4)  In the event of imminent danger, the chairwoman is entitled to issue orders independently under her own responsibility, even in matters that fall within the sphere of action of the general assembly or the board of directors; internally, however, these require subsequent approval by the responsible association body.

(5)  The Chairwoman chairs the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.

(6)  The secretary keeps the minutes of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.

(7)  The cashier is responsible for the proper financial management of the organization.

(8th)  In the event that they are prevented from attending, their deputies take the place of the chairwoman, the secretary or the cashier.


§ 14: Auditors

(1)  Two auditors are elected by the General Assembly for a period of 4 years. Re-election is possible. The auditors may not belong to any body - with the exception of the General Assembly - whose activities are the subject of the audit.

(2)  The auditors are responsible for the ongoing business control and the examination of the financial management of the organization with regard to the correctness of the accounting and the use of the funds in accordance with the statutes. The Executive Board must submit the necessary documents to the auditors and provide the necessary information. The auditors must report the results of the audit to the Board of Directors.

(3)  Legal transactions between auditors and the organization require the approval of the general assembly. Otherwise, the provisions of Section 11, Paragraphs 8 to 10 apply to the auditors.

Article 15: Arbitration Board

(1)  The association's internal arbitration board is called upon to settle all disputes arising from the organization's relationship. It is an "arbitration institution" within the meaning of the Associations Act 2002 and not an arbitration court according to §§ 577 ff ZPO.

(2)  The arbitral tribunal consists of three full members of the organization. It is formed in such a way that a disputed party nominates a member as an arbitrator to the board in writing. At the request of the board of directors within seven days, the other party to the dispute names a member of the arbitral tribunal within 14 days. After notification by the board of directors within seven days, the nominated arbitrators elect a third full member to chair the arbitral tribunal within a further 14 days. With equality of votes among those proposed lots. The members of the arbitral tribunal may not belong to any body - with the exception of the General Assembly - whose activities are the subject of the dispute.

(3)  The arbitral tribunal makes its decision with a simple majority of votes after both parties have been granted a hearing in the presence of all its members. It decides to the best of my knowledge and belief. Its decisions are final.


§ 16: Voluntary dissolution of the organization

(1)  The voluntary dissolution of the organization can only be decided in a general assembly and only with a two-thirds majority of the valid votes cast.

(2) This General Assembly must - insofar as the organization's assets are available - decide on the liquidation. 

In particular, it must appoint a liquidator and decide to whom the liquidator is to transfer the remaining assets of the organization after covering the liabilities. If the organization is dissolved or if the previous beneficiary purpose of the organization ceases to exist, the remaining assets of the organization after the liabilities have been covered must in any case be used for the purposes listed in this legal basis in accordance with § 4a para. 2 EStG 1988.  

(3)  The last organization board must notify the responsible association authority in writing of the voluntary dissolution within four weeks of the decision being taken.

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